Our souls hold the memory of many lives. If we listen close enough, our soul will show us all that we hold.

the Soul Babe Reading

Our souls hold the memory of many lives. If we listen close enough, our soul will show us all that we hold.

the Soul Babe Reading

I see images from the past, present, and future.  

I see. 

I feel.



I know.

What is

Intuition is about trusting the depths of your soul. This trust does not come easily. Time and time again, we are taught to look for answers outside of ourselves and to ignore the answers from within ourselves. It is when we honor and trust our own wisdom that we find we have all that we need.    

As a child, I was taught to trust objective facts, not feelings. I was told to ignore the one thing I knew best, which was myself. Becoming a mother put everything in perspective. I could follow the advice of others or I could listen to myself.

Over time, I came to understand more about my intuition. In 2022, I continued to explore my intuitive gifts under a mentor, Nikki Novo. First, in her Soul Expansion course, and then in her Soul Reading Method program. In April of 2023, under the guidance of Nikki, I become a certified soul reader. 


read my soul

What does a


look like?

the Soul Babe reading shines a light on your soul's energy, whether it be from the past, present, or future.

This reading will show you how to transform your life into a purposeful existence. It will empower you to make decisions from a soul level. It will guide you back to your true essence.  

the Soul Babe reading will provide you with the exact messages you are meant to receive. Each reading is based on a moment in time, and thus each reading will bring forward different things.

To start, I will intuitively call upon a crystal for your reading. Spirit will guide me to that crystal, which will serve as a theme in your reading. Then, I will call upon our spirit team for support, protection, and guidance. With the assistance of the guides, we will journey to a place of nature where I will read you energy. Finally, I will call upon the Akashic Records to deliver the messages that are meant for you and your soul.


live distance: 

Before the reading, I will ask you to compose a question, either about something that you want clarity on (think love, career, home) or the question (like what's my purpose). 

You will arrange yourself in a quiet space of your own, either lying down or sitting up. If possible, set the mood with a candle and some beta music. While off camera, I will visualize your energy. Then, I will employ different intuitive techniques (see above) to gain clarity on your question. Thereafter, we will discuss. Expect guidance from your spirit team, source, and  your soul on areas of your life or on the questions you have. 

the details: 


This reading is the same as a live distance reading, except that you are not actively participating and thus no discussion between us. Expect a voice recording within one week. 




"I absolutely loved my reading with Kirsten! She is so tapped in and the messages that came through resonated with me deeply. I felt a sense of peace in knowing that a lot of things I've been experiencing or working through were "validated" in my reading and feel like I have a clear path forward for more clarity and alignment."

-Kelsey C.

"Kirsten has a gift that extends beyond a 1:1 session, and that gift has stuck with me since she delivered my reading. She assisted me with the connection to my soul and elevated my self-awareness, which has kickstarted a deeply personal and intentional journey to live a more abundant, present life. In a world that can make you feel like just a number, a session with Kirsten brings you back to what's most important- finding yourself. It is an experience I am eager to return to."

-Lindsay C.

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